divendres, 13 d’octubre del 2017

"Amazing Egyptians" Song 3B Primary

Verse 1
Amazing Egyptians,
Exciting Egyptians,
Amazing Egyptians,
Exciting Egyptians.

Verse 2
Ancient inscriptions,
Dramatic depictions,
From ages before us,
Now here comes the chorus.

To be amid the pyramids,
To ride in style down the Nile,
Having a rare old time with a
Worshipping cats, cows, jackals
and crocodiles.
Here’s looking at ya, Cleopatra,
Tutankhamen, come and take me
back in time.

Verse 3
Known as a nation
For mummification.
They wrote on papyrus
And how they inspire us!

To be amid the pyramids…

Verse 4
Who was the nicest,
Osiris or Isis?
Anubis or Horus?
Now back to the chorus.

To be amid the pyramids…

Here’s looking at ya, Cleopatra,
Tutankhamen, come and take me
back in time
Here’s looking at ya, Cleopatra,
Tutankhamen, come and take me
back in time.

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